Tuesday 29 October 2013

happy halloween from the peanut gallery

My good friend jermaine I and really enjoy watching movies together these days. It seems as though when the first snowfall occurs, everyone is entering hibernation mode and staying in. That, and the fact that I still haven't gotten my car fixed yet, seem to make me really dread being outside unless I absolutuely have to, or if the sun is at least shining.

I've been on this tip lately where I'm going to watch one or two horror movies each day leading up until halloween. I actually really dislike the "dressing up" part of halloween because it always seems to be every girl's excuse to be a slutty something. Slutty dead bride, slutty nurse, slutty hashtags. Grow up girls, it's 2013. Being slutty does not equal cool, it equals venereal diseases, so go as something hilarious. Everything else about halloween -- the haunted houses, horror movie marathons and generally just scaring the shit out of people -- is quite alright.

Anyway, jermaine and I. As you all know, I really enjoy indulging myself with the bong on a daily basis, so obviously this was highly necessary (pun intended). I had watched half of "the conjuring" at another friend's house not too long ago and had to cut out because I was way too scared and way too stoned. I decided that sunday was the day to give it another shot, took 5 massive bong rips, and then rented the movie on shaw on demand.

Then I realized something. I only get really afraid if I smoke a tiny bit of weed, but as soon as I get into bong hits, I'm not terrified anymore, I'm actually just very judgmental of peoples' acting. Not too sure why that is, and this definitely isn't the first time I've done this, but it makes watching movies really difficult for me because I can never really fully enjoy them. I'm too concerned with the quality of the acting instead.

That being said, perhaps it would be a good idea for the panel of film judges from the academy awards to hire me to scrutinize each year's nominees. No one would win; sponge bob would probably take it. I am the biggest couch peanut gallery.

So the moral to today's rant is: don't smoke weed before movies cos it might make you hate it (somehow it will ruin something if what you're watching is not a comedy) and stop dressing up like sluts.

Happy halloween!

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