Tuesday 22 October 2013


If you know me personally (which, I'm sure most of you do), then you would understand my really weird detachment to modern technology and music. For some strange reason I am so behind on everything. Example: I just started a blog. Very recently. Yeah, exactly. Welcome to 2013, lydia.

Anyway, although I am not really completely out of the loop, there are a lot of trending (oooh, I used an internet word!) things that I just don't agree with. Today's "internet wtf of the 21st century" are hashtags.

Its not like I'm so MIA from the world that I don't understand their intentions and usefulness, but have you looked at the way people type shit out with hashtags?

In the photo that you hashtagged 1000 times, you could have written a small paragraph describing your photo. And #it #could've #been #way #less #annoying #to #read.

Or how about twitter-style hashtagging, where people write full sentences after their hashtags? #icantfuckingreadanythingwithoutspaces. And really, are people ACTUALLY running hashtag searches that long and specific? It all seems so ridiculous to me.

Modern technology has become so easy and so convenient that I think we've really just become lazy. When you are actually verbalizing "brb" at work to tell your coworkers that you'll be right back, that's the internet #winning in your life.

Hashtags seem like the ironic moustache craze of hipsterism, circa 2007. Everyone feels the need to use one, but its really all so unnecessary.


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