Wednesday 30 October 2013

tales from the bong #6

halloween. i'm sure you all know my feelings regarding this north american-butchered pseudo holiday. i, for some reason, really dislike dressing up. i don't know what it is, and it's definitely nothing that has become more serious with age, but i've just never been into it. however, everything else about it is pretty fucking cool.

one of my absolute favourites in the world are horror movies. and whore horror movies. last night during our sampling of the new arcade fire album, i asked everyone what their most all-time favourite horror movie ever was. and the results were really interesting.

we got "the shining", for obvious reasons. my personal favourite is "the exorcist", which to this day still scares the living shit out of me. i think i may have heard "paranormal activity" and "blair witch project" as well, which are also definitely very valid as well, because both of those movies really scared the shit out of me the first time i watched them, and then realized that that shit wasn't for real. waaamp waaamp.

i think the reason why these types of movies scare us is because all of that can actually happen, or seem realistic and probable enough to possibly happy to someone, somewhere, at some point in time. all this "final destination" and "saw (insert number here)" bullshit is so fucking annoying because it's just gory and twisted and weird. "the human centipede"? are you fucking kidding me? i think serial killers watch and grow up on shit like that. no one should be allowed to watch that garbage. new millennium horror movies blow.

but let's talk about "the exorcist" for a second. if you can watch that movie and not be even remotely creeped out, you are a vampire or something. i am approaching my 30s and i still can't watch that movie alone by myself. i'm pretty sure i've seen that movie about 30 times and i still have to pause it like 5 times throughout. (maybe the secret is to take more bong hits?)

if you're going to watch any horror movie, you need to watch something foreign. japanese, korean, or chinese horror movies are the best and i promise you will be haunted by slanty eyes in your dreams for a while.

now i'm just rambling.

what's your favourite horror movie? please post below, i'm actually very genuinely interested!

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