Friday 15 November 2013

internet wtf of the week: incessant "lol"ing

I'm not sure what's going on these days for me to be so absent. Maybe it's the fact that as soon as I'm off work, I tend to tunnel-vision getting home, which makes my brain tunnel-vision thoughts as well. Maybe it's because the weather is so Vancouver-esque that I can't help but sleep all the time. Or maybe it's the simple fact that as soon as I get home, weed and television and eating take precedence over everything.

Anyway, regardless, I'm baaaaaack! And I promise that I will not just disappear like that again. Life gets really hectic sometimes.

So, to kick off my return (and to finally give you this week's goods), I am going to rant about today's "internet wtf of the week". Cue applause!

Everyone who knows me personally understands my deep-seeded hatred for internet acronyms (with the exception of "brb", that one seems to be my favourite and I've also somehow used it enough for it to have morphed into a word in my vocabulary). My most hated, in particular, is the eponymous "lol".

Now, I don't really give a shit if you the "lol", it IS 2013 after all and people (including myself) are becoming progressively lazier in that we refuse to use full words to describe how we feel or some kind of action we may have just made. But there's something about "lol"ing which just boils my blood.

I think what it is is not so much the "lol" in and of itself, it's the fact that people use "lol" so fucking much to the point that I want to smash my computer. Are you really laughing THAT much? Like, ALL THE TIME? And do you still "laugh out loud" when it's not appropriate? Because 80% of the time when you inject "lol" in a sentence, it doesn't make very much sense.

So, people of the internet, please stop using "lol" to point where it doesn't even fit it. Especially starting and ending the same sentence with "lol". We got the fucking point the first time you said it.

Try such interjections as "um", "like", "but", or "and" (if those are actually even interjections... I'm just making shit up at this point). Most of the time when you throw "lol" in a sentence, your brain is probably trying to think of words like the those mentioned above, but your fingers are used to "laughing out loud".

STOP IT. Please, for the love of god. It's really fucking annoying. And I know your vocabulary can extend beyond three letters. Sigh.

Happy Friday, errrbody!

(I will be inviting "contributing editors" -- yeah, I know -- to submit any internet rants they may have, so email me at if you want to submit a rant cos clearly I like to disappear for long periods of time)

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