Friday 8 November 2013

tales from the bong #8

so i came home tonight and reached for the bong and guess what? that shit was already packed! i'm pretty sure it was totally a fluke because i was really stoned last night and packed the bong but obviously just passed out on the couch. but it was still a really dope surprise. WINNING! i think i'm going to make that part of a bedtime ritual -- packing the bong before i send my mind to outer space so, when 24 hours later i am dying to get baked, it's ready to go. lock that one in the vault, lydia.

anyway, today's conversation is about hugs. haha how random and weird and hippie of me to start my post like that, but they are definitely more powerful than you think. observe:

hugs. they can tell you so much about a person. they can give you an idea of how compassionate that person is toward you. they can either be heart-warming or totally fake.

last night i felt like there were hugs all around. when it's been a while since you've seen a huge group of people, you're bound to be saying hello more than verbally. hugs, high-fives, head nods.

the one thing i have a hard time grasping is the fact that, regardless of how people feel about each other, they feel like it's some kind of social grace; that it's almost necessary to hug someone (whether or not it's someone that is close to them or not) when they see them.

not always so, my friends. as much as you would think that your hug is sincere and a gesture of general niceness, people can tell when you're full of shit and just doing it to be "nice".

just a heads up: your hugs are bullshit, and it shows in how intimate your hug is, how long your hug was, and the strength in which you squeezed. if i'm going to receive and genuine and authentic hug, i want it to be legit and i want you make it incredibly apparent.

so next time you're doling out hugs to everyone, maybe give that one person you're not 100% into a pound or something so they don't feel like you're just doing it because it may be the acceptable thing to do in whatever scenario.

hugs can definitely be more vicious that way.

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